Joseph O'Shea

Quickly open repo on GitHub from shell


Background / Motivation

Often after running git push, you want to go to GitHub to open a PR. Why not have a shell command that does it for you?

How to do it

if you're using bash

Place this script in "$HOME/dev/cli-tools/"

You can of course us any other directory if you prefer. Just be sure to use the same directory in the "shell alias" section


# Use `git remote -v` to list remotes, grab the first line, extract the URL, and remove the `.git` suffix if present
url=$(git remote -v | awk 'NR==1{print $2}' | sed 's/\.git$//')

# If the URL starts with a Git SSH path, convert it to an HTTPS URL
if [[ $url =~ ]]; then

# Use the `open` command to open the URL in the default browser on MacOS
open $url

Shell alias

Add this to $HOME/.bashrc and/or $HOME/.bash_profile (whichever you use)

alias opengh="$HOME/dev/cli-tools/" 

Remeber to reload your shell!

Quick reload:

source "$HOME/.bashrc"

if you're using zsh

The script

Place this script in "$HOME/dev/cli-tools/"

You can of course us any other directory if you prefer. Just be sure to use the same directory in the "shell alias" section


# Use `git remote -v` to list remotes, grab the first line, extract the URL, and remove the `.git` suffix if present
url=$(git remote -v | awk 'NR==1{print $2}' | sed 's/\.git$//')

# If the URL starts with a Git SSH path, convert it to an HTTPS URL
if [[ $url =~$ ]]; then

# Use the `open` command to open the URL in the default browser on MacOS
open $url

Shell alias

Add this to $HOME/.zshrc

alias opengh="$HOME/dev/cli-tools/" 

Caveats / Pitfalls

This only works if your remote is on GitHub and matches the pattern It should be fairly easy to modify the script to work with other remotes. To do so: